ObectivesNow that you have defined your issue, approach, audience, and collaborators, it’s time to consider your objective(s), those specific goals you want to accomplish that will help increase child passenger safety in your community. A good way to achieve this is by developing SMART objectives.


SMART objectives are:

Specific – Objectives should answer what will be done to whom?

Measurable – What are the measures you will use to quantify your activities?

Attainable – Can your objective be reasonably attained within the time and resources allowed?

Relevant – Does your objective correspond to your community data and overall goal of improving Child Passenger Restraint use in your tribal community?

Time-bound – Specify a time period in which objectives will be met.

For more detailed information on SMART objectives, visit the CDC – Developing SMART Objectives.


For tips on evaluating your objectives, go to the next section.