The following guide suggests activities that are right for each stage of community readiness.  You can use these suggestions to create a strategy for improving child passenger safety in your community.

Stages of Readiness
No Awareness
Community members don’t recognize the issue as a problem. Or it may not really be an issue.
Establish partnerships, such as with a local CPST.

Build awareness among key people.

Conduct focus groups to understand tribal beliefs.

Some community members recognize it as a concern. But there’s little recognition that it’s happening locally.
Establish local partnerships.

Build awareness more broadly (media about motor vehicle injuries, or car seat recommendations).

Review existing data.

Collect local data.

Vague Awareness
Most community members feel there’s a local concern. But there’s no immediate motivation to do anything about it.
Build a coalition.

Increase awareness through media.

Collect local data.

Educate key groups.

Community members recognize something must be done. There may even be a group addressing it. But efforts aren’t focused or detailed.
Collect data.

Conduct focus groups.

Meet regularly with your coalition.

Some active community leaders start to plan in earnest. The community modestly supports their efforts.
Use your data to make plans. Use your coalition to help you plan your efforts or review materials. Train tribal Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPSTs).
There is enough information to justify efforts. Activities are underway.
Start a child safety seat distribution program.

Expand education program.

Engage with law enforcement.

Develop program policies.

Develop tribal policy.

Administrators or community decision-makers support activities. Staff begin to train and get experience.
Continue outreach activities – education, distribution program, child safety seat checks.

Fine-tune media messages.

Link your distribution program to the clinic.

Propose a modified tribal law.

Contact law enforcement to develop strategies to enforce the law.

Confirmation/ Expansion
Efforts are in place. Members feel comfortable using services, and they support expansions. Local data are regularly obtained.
Continue education and outreach.

Continue to collect data.

Link distribution program to the clinic.

Outreach to hidden populations of need.

Community Ownership
Detailed and sophisticated knowledge exists about prevalence, causes, and consequences. Effective evaluation guides new directions.
Expand to related topics: Distracted driving, bicycle helmets, etc.

Thank you for completing Module 2: Check Your Community’s Readiness!  Go to the next module to learn where you can find more information that can help guide your efforts to improve child passenger safety.